• The Specially Invited Plays of the 9th Wuzhen Theatre Festival are divided into 6 parts, The Golden Divide, Free for All, The Complexity of One, Gravitational Forces, Quantum Quandary and Perpetual Motion. These 22 plays will be performed for 63 times in 8 theatres.
  • The Emerging Theatre Artists Competition is a major component of the Wuzhen Festival. Eighteen creative groups will be chosen to come to Wuzhen to perform a newly created work on a topic designated by the Festival.
  • All Wuzhen's a Stage during the Wuzhen Theatre Festival! Aside from the international giants of the world stage who will grace the riverbanks, a nonstop carnival will be ongoing in the narrow streets and small plazas of the old town.
  • We have always believed that “drama” is never limited only to what happens in a theatre or on a stage. In addition to the many performances held at the Wuzhen Theatre Festival, another gathering will be taking place: the Theatre Night Market. The Theatre Night Market draws on every part of life for inspiration. Here, there will be music, movies, art, readings, exhibitions, market stalls, food… Late at night and into the small hours, amid the shifting of light and shadow, wonder and romance will grow, inspire, and resonate here. A night market is for gathering, crossing paths, colliding. At a market, people can know each other without knowing each other. In this open space, on an Wuzhen autumn night, passion for life will flow freely; all feeling will be devoted to the embrace of the arts, and to finding freedom within. This is a gathering held for the sake of a drama that, day and night, may be found in a thousand ever-changing forms.
The Wuzhen Theatre Festival
The Wuzhen Theatre Festival is an annual theatre event in the ancient water town of Wuzhen, Zhejiang Provice, China, co-founded by Chen Xianghong, Huang Lei, Stan Lai and Meng Jinghui, and organized by Culture Wuzhen Co., Ltd. Though only in its sixth year, the Festival has already become one of the premier festivals in China and Asia.。
The Wuzhen Theatre Festival
Chairman's Committee
生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是年轻:充满着力量,充满着期待志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望信心和年轻。                                   ------奥斯特洛夫斯基 乌镇戏剧节,对于全国不少戏剧青年们而言是一个梦有的人在圆梦,有的人沉浸在梦里不可拔,也有的是在逐梦…… 第五届乌镇戏剧节开幕式有那么一群年轻人,他们富有激情、才华横溢、各个都是段子手;他们不仅分工明确,更是责任感爆棚。在人们沉浸于戏剧的狂欢盛典中时,他们却坚守着自己的工作岗位… >>>Detail
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